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Based on 2023 pass rates, the ANCC board exam appears to be easier than the AANP with a 12% higher pass rate for the FNP exam certification.
- ANCC: 85% pass rate for the FNP exam.
- AANP: 73% pass rate for the FNP exam.
This could be due to the exam’s structure and focus.
The ANCC certification is generally more research-oriented, with a focus on theory and policy. In contrast, the AANP exam is more clinically focused, emphasizing assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.
If you’re more comfortable with research and theory, the ANCC might be the better fit, as it dives deeper into the evidence and policy behind clinical practices. On the other hand, if you excel in clinical scenarios and diagnosing patients, the AANP may be the better choice.
Here are some resources to help you get started:
For those who need more information, here is the breakdown of the differences between the AANP and ANCC certification exam:
Exam Format and Structure
- AANP: Primarily multiple-choice questions.
- ANCC: Primarily multiple-choice questions, but may also include drag-and-drop, multiple-response, and hotspot questions.
Exam Length
- AANP: 150 questions.
- ANCC: 175 questions.
Exam Cost
- Both exams are similarly priced, with discounts available to members of the respective organizations.
Exam Eligibility
- AANP: Requires completion of coursework and a minimum of 500 clinical hours.
- ANCC: Requires completion of coursework, a minimum of 500 clinical hours, and specific prerequisite courses.
Exam Recertification
- NPs must recertify every five years.
- You can take a different exam to recertify.
For more detailed exam information like registration and cost, visit the official pages for each exam:
Also, check out our article to find out the easiest nurse practitioner specialty to get into and the best FNP review courses.