Musculoskeletal Mnemonics - Hands, Face, Shoulder

Published by Latrina Walden

  • February 05, 2025
  • 00:59

Latrina Walden


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Meet The Author

Latrina Walden

Latrina is the Founder & CEO of Latrina Walden Exam Solutions (LWES). Her background is in creating a NP Academy that supports and educates current and future nurses through an Academy.
Follow her on Linkedin for more tips & advice in the nursing world.

Table of Contents

    Memorizing musculoskeletal structures can be easier by grouping muscles based on location and function. Visualization techniques, such as imagining muscle movements or drawing diagrams, and mnemonic devices, such as acronyms and rhymes, are valuable memory aids.

    Muscle Mnemonics

    Hands: "PAD DAB"

    The mnemonic 'PAD and DAB' helps recall the functions of hand interossei muscles: 'PAD' stands for Palmar interossei, which adduct the fingers (move them toward the midline), while 'DAB' stands for Dorsal interossei, which abduct the fingers (move them away from the midline).

    Extrinsic: "Extrinsics Extend"

    The mnemonic "Extrinsics Extend" helps remember that extrinsic hand muscles originate in the forearm and insert into the hand, primarily controlling large hand movements, including both flexion and extension.

    • Flexor Digitorum Profundus: Flexes the fingers at distal joints.
    • Flexor Digitorum Superficialis: Flexes the fingers at intermediate joints.
    • Extensor Digitorum: Extends the fingers.
    • Extensor Pollicis Longus: Extends the thumb.

    Intrinsic: "Intrinsics Fine-Tune"

    The mnemonic "Intrinsics Fine-Tune" highlights that intrinsic hand muscles both originate and insert within the hand, enabling precise and fine motor movements.

    • Lumbricals: Flex the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints and extend them at the interphalangeal (IP) joints.
    • Palmar Interossei: Adduct the fingers.
    • Dorsal Interossei: Abduct the fingers.
    • Thenar Muscles: Control thumb movements.

    Thenar: "OAF"

    The mnemonic "OAF" helps remember the thenar muscles that control thumb movements:

    • O: Opponens pollicis
    • A: Abductor pollicis brevis
    • F: Flexor pollicis brevis


    Anterior Muscles: "Pass, Fail, Pass, Fail"

    The mnemonic "Pass, Fail, Pass, Fail" (from lateral to medial) helps remember the anterior forearm muscles responsible for wrist and finger flexion and forearm pronation:

    • P: Pronator teres
    • F: Flexor carpi radialis
    • P: Palmaris longus
    • F: Flexor carpi ulnaris

    Posterior Compartment: "Big Chocolate Chips, Double Dip Cherries"

    The mnemonic "Big Chocolate Chips, Double Dip Cherries" (proximal to distal on the radial side) helps remember the posterior forearm muscles responsible for wrist and finger extension and forearm supination:

    • B: Brachioradialis
    • C: Extensor carpi radialis longus
    • C: Extensor carpi radialis brevis
    • D: Extensor digitorum
    • D: Extensor digiti minimi
    • C: Extensor carpi ulnaris


    Face: "To Zanzibar By Motor Car"

    A common mnemonic to remember the branches of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) is "To Zanzibar By Motor Car":

    • Temporal
    • Zygomatic
    • Buccal
    • Marginal mandibular
    • Cervical

    Tongue: "Paris St Germain's Hour"

    The mnemonic "Paris St Germain's Hour" helps recall the extrinsic muscles of the tongue

    • P:Palatoglossus
    • S:Styloglossus
    • G:Genioglossus
    • H:Hyoglossus

    These muscles are responsible for moving the tongue in different directions, including elevation, retraction, depression, and protrusion.

    Neck: "SANCA"

    To rememeber the posterior traingle of the neck, think of the mneomnic: "SANCA"

    • S:Sternocleidomastoid (anterior boundary)
    • A:Apex (where sternocleidomastoid meets trapezius)
    • N:Nerve (Accessory nerve passes through)
    • C:Clavicle (forms the inferior boundary)
    • A:Anterior part of trapezius (posterior boundary)


    Rotator Cuff: "SITS"

    The mnemonic "SITS" helps remember the rotator cuff muscles:

    • Supraspinatus
    • Infraspinatus
    • Teres minor
    • Subscapularis

    Deltoid: "AIM"

    Remember the three parts of the deltoid with the mnemonic "AIM":

    • Anterior: Shoulder flexion
    • Intermediate (Lateral): Shoulder abduction
    • Middle: Shoulder extension and rotation

    What is the mnemonic for musculoskeletal assessment?

    "I PASS" is a helpful mnemonic for performing a comprehensive musculoskeletal exam, such as for the shoulder or knee.

    It stands for:

    • I: Inspection (Look for deformities, swelling, or abnormalities)
    • P: Palpation (Feel for tenderness, swelling, or warmth)
    • A: Active ROM (Assess the patient’s active range of motion)
    • P: Passive ROM (Evaluate the joint's movement when the examiner moves it)
    • S: Strength (Test the strength of the muscles around the joint)
    • S: Special Tests (Perform specific tests to assess for injury or dysfunction)

    What is the mnemonic for the 8 carpal bones?

    The mnemonic for the 8 carpal bones is "So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb"

    It stands for:

    • S: Scaphoid
    • L: Lunate
    • T: Triquetrum
    • P: Pisiform
    • H: Hamate
    • C: Capitate
    • T: Trapezoid
    • T: Trapezium
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